
Missionary Directory

We as a church support 55 Missions and Ministries both local and abroad. Here you will find a list of our non-sensetive accounts. Your support to our general Missions Fund provides for us to give to each of these Kingdom workers on a monthly basis.

  • Joshua and Angela Allen- Netherlands

    Joshua, Angela, and their 5 "Missionaries in Training" have been on the field of the Netherlands since 2016. In 2017 they began Students for Christ Rotterdam, and in September 2021 began their church plant, Gateway City Church.

  • Tim and Debroah Anderson - Equador

    Tim and Deborah have served in Ecuador for almost 40 years planting churches, Child Hope Schools, and running men's teen challenge groups.

  • Joseph And Heidi Baralle- Chi Alpha

    Joseph serves our local colleges in Delaware. He partners with students on campus to create ministries, bible studies, and events to lead students to the Lord.

  • Michael and Denise Bartel - F.R.E.E. International

    Michael and Angela work to end human trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. Their mission is to Find, Restore, Embrace, and Empower those trapped in Sex Slavery. Based in Las Vegas Nevada, they've FREE'd thousands since they began in 2007. 

  • Kevin and Wendy Beery - Belgium

    Kevin and Wendy have served as missionaries since 1992. They have spent their life focused heavily in Higher Education and discipling other Missionaries and missionaries-to-be around them. They currently serve at Continental Theological Seminary in Belgium.

  • Omar and Pat Beiler - Eurasia

    Omar and Pat serve in Eurasia and have been for many years.  They are currently starting coffee shops to employ local people while ministering to them at the same time, provide help materialistically and spiritually.

  • Ken and Kathy Ferguson

    Ken and Kathy serve in international ministries with a focus on the Muslim community.

  • Rocco and Diana Ditrolio - Argentina

    Rocco and his family have been serving in Argentina since 1988.  They have planted 15 churches, and created multiple radio and television broadcasts for Argentina.  Rocco has a heart for planting new churches and making sure that they are healthy and growing.

  • Cheryl Greco-  AGWM  

    Cheryl Greco serves stateside in communications with AGWM. She works as a Content Creator, producing curriculum, tools, and resources for Missionaries to use worldwide. 

  • Peter and Courtney Good - Thessaloniki, Greece

    The Goods are alumni of our own UVF. They currently serve as Pastors of Zoe Church on the island of Thessaloniki in Greece and have since 2017.

  • Kevin and Annie Folk - Spanish speaking countries

    Kevin and Annie originally served as missionaries in Spain, but have branched out to train emerging leaders for ministry and focus on spanish speaking countries through Global University.

  • Jeff and Liz Hartensveld - Asia Pacific

    Jeff and Liz direct the Asia Pacific region, overseeing 350 missionaries.  Before serving in this position they served 23 years in Indonesia planting churches.

  • Tim and Kelly Pollick

    The Pollicks serve as the Lead Pastors of the International Church in Meden, Indonesia. They began serving here in 2017, though Kelly grew up here as the daughter of Jeff and Liz Hartensveld. 

  • Tom and Brooke Harshberger- Northern Ireland

    Tom and Brooke are church planters in the Belfast area. They also excel in Children’s ministries, serving as Missionary Kids Pastors to 11 countries in Europe. They also host their online “Party Create” ministry.

  • Austin and Jennifer Jones - Alaska

    For 18 years the Jones have been serving the Lord as missionaries in America.  They are currently serving as missionaries in the Bering Strait of Alaska.

  • Billy & Havilah Roman - Antigua

    The Romans serve as missionaries and Pastors to the islands of the West Indies. They are church planters working across over 20 islands to bring the gospel to unreached, Spanish-speaking Immigrants to the islands.

  • Pat and Brenda Mahar - Italy

    Pat and Brenda served 18 years in Africa before feeling called to Athens, Greece during the financial and refugee crisis there.  In 2018 God led them to pastor the International Christian Fellowship in Padova, Italy.

  • Carla Marroquin - Protect Me Project

    Carla is the Executive Director of the Protect Me Project. She works internationally to bring awareness to the Sex Trade industry. They educate, train, and equip men and women to “Get there before the trafficker.” 

  • Mike and Barbara Olejarz - Chi-Alpha

    Mike and Barbara have served in Chi-Alpha since 1982, reaching college students in America. He’s currently a National Field Specialist in Charlottesville, VA.

  • Gary and Cindy Higgins - Latin America

    Gary and Cindy focus on Compassion Ministries through Latin America. They work to provide clean drinking water, produce and provide filters in mass, and to bring the Gospel with them. 

  • Sherry Sabella - Southeast Europe Area Director

    Sherry and her late husband Jim were pastors in New York before becoming missionaries to the Czech Republic in 2004.  Since then they were  appointed World Missions Area Directors over 7 countries in central Europe, which she continues to oversee.

  • Deny and Debby Seler - Costa Rica

    Deny and Debby have been together in Marriage and Ministry for over 45 years now. They currently teach in the AG’s Missionary Language School in Costa Rica. 

  •  Tony and Jamie Sebastian - Greece

    Tony and Jamie have been missionaries to Cyprus since 2008.  They run a breadth of operations including a local business, campus ministry, church planting, and meeting the needs of Refugees in the area.

  • Philip Over- Chester County Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    Philp loves two things- Jesus and sports. As a coach with the FCA at our own University of Valley Forge, Phil gets to work in our schools resourcing and evangelizing local sports teams.

  • Shahan and Tyra Tebrian- Armenia

    Shahan and Tyra have been missionaries to Armenia for over 20 years. They are instrumental parts of the Legal team for Missionaries doing Business-as-missions worldwide. They are also overseeing the creation of a modern Armenian Bible.

  • Andy and Stacey Whitman

    The Whitmans have been missionaries since 1994 on Andy’s first term in Albania. They have worked heavily with Royal Rangers throughout Eastern Africa. Now, they are professors in Global University, preparing the next generation of Missionaries.

  • Earl and Tammy Shorrock - Poland

    Earl and Tammy work with “700 Miast” - or 700 cities. The organization’s goal is to plant 700 Evangelical churches in the 700 cities in Poland that have none.

  • Rick and Lori Wislocky - AGWM

    Rick and Lori work in International Leadership with the American and European Assemblies of God networks. They serve a core role in the service of many missionaries coming and going to these nations and equipping them accordingly. 

  • Brett and Rebekah Zeiler - Cambodia

    Brett and Rebekah have served as Missionaries to Cambodia since 2018. Before this, Brett served as a Kids Pastor for 8 years, and Rebekah is a Registered Nurse. They are working with Unreached Peoples in Cambodia.

  • Isaiah and Heather Mattocks- Columbia

    Heather and Isaiah work heavily in the Indigenous tribes of Columbia. They lead Child Hope, starting private Christian schools, and King’s Castle, running evangelistic VBSs in the areas they work.

  • Jack Risner- Convoy of Hope Puerto Rico

    Jack has been on the front lines in Puerto Rico with Convoy of Hope. He mobilizes and prepares the area in the event of disasters, and helps in poverty relief.

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