Our mission at TAG is to HONOR GOD by demonstrating Jesus. We exist to reach and SERVE PEOPLE, love our neighbors, LIVE THE GOSPEL and build genuine followers of Christ.
Mission statment
Honor God, Serve People, live the gospel
Mission statment
Honor God, Serve People, live the gospel
Our mission at TAG is to HONOR GOD by demonstrating Jesus. We exist to reach and SERVE PEOPLE, love our neighbors, LIVE THE GOSPEL and build genuine followers of Christ.
Trinity AG of West Chester PA visions to be a place where we are committed to Jesus Christ and are about "The salvation of Souls". We believe that sound biblical teaching, authentic worship, sacrificial service and fellowship, are vital for spiritual growth. Therefore, we are committed to worshipping God passionately, teaching the Bible without compromise, disciplining believers to Christ-like maturity and serving on in local church, and the global mission field.”