These are ministries that we partner with within Chester County. We support these organizations in prayer, finances, and the help of our church volunteers.
community Outreach
community Outreach
These are ministries that we partner with within Chester County. We support these organizations in prayer, finances, and the help of our church volunteers.
Bridge of hope
churches respond. Homelessness ends. hope begins.
Bridge of Hope partners with local church community groups to support families who are facing homelessness- especially single moms. They provide temporary rental assistance, career and financial coaching, and other services, while we as a church offer a small group of friends for whatever the mom needs. Trinity currently has 2 Community Groups.
safe harbor of chester county
homeless shelter
Safe Harbor has been serving our local Homeless population in downtown West Chester for 28 years. Since 2022 we as a church have been ministering to their rotating community, bringing meals, Wed. Night Bible Studies, and more events to support them as they bless these men and women.
CYWA Coatesville
Community, Youth, & Women's Alliance
CYWA's mission is to improve the spiritual, mental, social and physical condition of men, women, and children within the Coatesville community by providing full family services with a special emphasis on serving Pregnant Women and Children. They host a Homeless Shelter, Drug and Alcohol Treatment, case management for family support and home visitation, and a food cupboard.